Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 3 of Construction of the Building

After two days of highly visible progress, today's progress is a little harder to see.  Mostly, what you see in the following pictures is a lot more steel in the large porches on the front and right side (as you're looking at the front of the building) and steel for the wall of the main building which includes doing windows in the areas that are steel walls.  This includes the windows in the master bedroom and bathroom which are the second and third pictures.

Bob Denson tells me that it's been 103-104 C every day they've been working there and that the heat is now taking its toll on the workers.

As I'm typing this, exactly one week from now, I'll be on a plane between Australia and California.  I don't know if they're going to be working Saturday there, but even if they don't, I figure that 5 more days of good work is sufficient to get the building done or at least done enough that we will be able to frame out the front portion of the building.  That's the area you see on the first picture beneath the porch.  I'm sure you'll see in future posts that the metal walls of the building will cover all but the portion below th porch and that we'll build out with lumber to be the outside wall of the house.

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